Accidental death/Suicide of a young engineer in Persistent
Last evening a 26 year old Persistent employee (Sandeep Shelke)fell/jumped to his death from the top floor of Persistent office. The news is already on net and everyone is jumping on to the "IT is a bad career choice, kills young people" bandwagon.
For last three years, I am working in Persistent. I have worked in many software companies and I can tell that Persistent is a really nice place to work. It's still has an "young company" atmosphere and it is a very open, supportive and fun place to be. I am not saying that there is no work pressure. But bottom line is that the Persistent is the last place where someone would feel like taking such a drastic step because of work. I can't really believe the stuff that media is saying/is going to say.
Anyway, a young life has been lost. I feel really sad thinking about the lost possibilities and the loss felt by the engineer's family.