Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Trouble @ Microsoft MSN/Windows Live?

I have been using MSN/Hotmail user for a long time. In fact, My Hotmail account signature carries an image, which identifies me as a beta tester for Windows Live Mail.

However lately, all is not well in the MSN. Very recently, Windows Live Mail underwent a major upgrade. It was meant to make it faster, better etc... However, what it did was to really mess up the UI. Rather than the nice and Jazzy UI, it looked amateurish.

To top this, I came across this web page I am using IE6 and it is looking horrible. I cannot imagine a Microsoft web page, not rendering correctly under IE6. Ugh... In addition, the page design is not at all professional (color scheme, header, images and text mixing into each other...)

For the curious few, here is the URL to the page: Or just take a look at the screen shot below


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